科恩:父母游戏力,育儿不焦虑 网盘下载(1.60G)


课程文件目录:喜马拉雅少儿:科恩:父母游戏力,育儿不焦虑 [1.60G]

【welcome speech】Playful Parenting makes you a better parent.mp3

【welcome speech】Playful Parenting makes you a better parent.png







01. What should I do with a child who throws lots of tantrums.png

01. What should I do with a child who throws lots of tantrums_-.mp3



02. What to do when children hit.png

02. What to do when children hit_.mp3

02. 孩子打人,父母怎么办?.mp3

02. 孩子打人,父母怎么办?.png



04. Tiger, or cat.png

04. Tiger, or cat_-.mp3

04. 孩子怕生窝里横.png

04. 孩子怕生窝里横_.mp3

05.The more you forbid, the more he challenges..mp3

05.The more you forbid, the more he challenges..png





07. Not crying is not always good.mp3

07. Not crying is not always good.png

07. 不哭不闹未必是好事.mp3

07. 不哭不闹未必是好事.png

08. Easily cry when facing with setbacks-.mp3

08. Easily cry when facing with setbacks.png

08. 孩子受点挫折就哭,如何引导.mp3

08. 孩子受点挫折就哭,如何引导.png

09. 【亲子游戏】:表情连连看.mp3

09. 【亲子游戏】:表情连连看.png

10. Cry at the end of a perfect day.mp3

10. Cry at the end of a perfect day.png

10. 玩得很开心,结束时还会哭闹-.mp3

10. 玩得很开心,结束时还会哭闹.png

11. 真受不了,太粘人了.mp3

11. 真受不了,太粘人了.png

11. What can I do to make my child less clingy-.mp3

11. What can I do to make my child less clingy.png

12. 【模块总结】培养高情商.png

12. 【模块总结】培养高情商_.mp3

13. How to deal with dawdling.png

13. How to deal with dawdling_I898.mp3

13. 孩子磨蹭怎么办.mp3

13. 孩子磨蹭怎么办.png

14. My child always asks to buy things.mp3

14. My child always asks to buy things.png

14. 孩子总想买买买.mp3

14. 孩子总想买买买.png



16. Indulge in mobile games.mp3

16. Indulge in mobile games.png



17. Should I stop my son from biting his fingers.mp3

17. Should I stop my son from biting his fingersMP.png

17. 总咬手,该制止吗.mp3

17. 总咬手,该制止吗.png

18. 【答疑】孩子做家务该不该给钱-.mp3

18. 【答疑】孩子做家务该不该给钱.png

19. Why does my child refuse to do the things he can.png

19. Why does my child refuse to do the things he can_.mp3

19. 明明自己会做,为什么不做.mp3

19. 明明自己会做,为什么不做.png

20. My child misbehaves in public.png

20. My child misbehaves in public_.mp3

20. 孩子在公共场合胡闹.mp3

20. 孩子在公共场合胡闹.png

21. 【亲子游戏】我猜你不会.mp3

21. 【亲子游戏】我猜你不会.png

22. Is it necessary for children to say hello.mp3

22. Is it necessary for children to say hello.png

22. 需要学会打招呼吗.mp3

22. 需要学会打招呼吗.png

23. My child does not reply to me.mp3

23. 孩子不回应_.mp3

24. 【模块总结】养成好习惯.png

24. 【模块总结】养成好习惯_.mp3

25. What to do when my child tells lies?.mp3

25. What to do when my child tells lies?.png

25. 孩子说谎,怎么处理.mp3

25. 孩子说谎,怎么处理.png

26. Three steps to help children build confidence.mp3

26. Three steps to help children build confidence.png

26. 三步帮TA建立自信.mp3

26. 三步帮TA建立自信.png

27. 【亲子游戏】另类接球.mp3

27. 【亲子游戏】另类接球.png

28. Will stern criticism make children tougher.mp3

28. Will stern criticism make children tougher.png

28. 严厉批评会让孩子更坚强吗.mp3

28. 严厉批评会让孩子更坚强吗.png

29. Help sore loser improve resilience.mp3

29. Help sore loser improve resilience.png

29. 好赢怕输,练就抗挫力.mp3

29. 好赢怕输,练就抗挫力.png

30. 【答疑】孩子没有主见怎么办.mp3

30. 【答疑】孩子没有主见怎么办.png

31. My child fears for darkness and ghosts (1).m4a

31. My child fears for darkness and ghosts.png

31. 孩子怕黑怕鬼 (1).m4a

31. 孩子怕黑怕鬼.png

32. Answer questions about death (1).m4a

32. Answer questions about deathMP3_儿童故事下载-喜马拉雅F.png

32. 回应死亡的问题 (1).m4a

32. 回应死亡的问题.png

33. 【亲子游戏】怕怕长什么样.m4a

33. 【亲子游戏】怕怕长什么样.png

34. My son loves aggressive games.m4a

34. My son loves aggressive games.png

35. My son can’t control his strength.m4a

35. My son can’t control his strength.png

35. 孩子出手没轻没重.m4a

35. 孩子出手没轻没重.png

36. 【模块总结】塑造好性格.m4a

36. 【模块总结】塑造好性格.png

37. How hard to push an introverted and timid child.m4a

37. How hard to push an introverted and timid child.png

37. 胆小内向的孩子,该使多大劲来推.m4a

37. 胆小内向的孩子,该使多大劲来推.png

38. My child says she has no friends.mp3

38. My child says she has no friends.png

38. 孩子说没朋友.mp3

38. 孩子说没朋友.png

39. 【游戏】我是小导游.mp3

39. 【游戏】我是小导游.png

40. Should we encourage children to share.mp3

40. Should we encourage children to share.png

40. 到底要不要鼓励.mp3

40. 到底要不要鼓励.png

41. Why does my child borrow toys she already has.mp3

41. Why does my child borrow toys she already has.png

41. 自己有玩具,为什么还要别人的 -口语稿.mp3

41. 自己有玩具,为什么还要别人的 -口语稿.png

42. 【答疑】孩子为什么讨好别人.mp3

42. 【答疑】孩子为什么讨好别人.png

43. My child is hit.mp3

43. My child is hit.png

43. 我家孩子被打了.mp3

43. 我家孩子被打了.png

44. My child loves controlling.mp3

44. My child loves controlling.png

44. 孩子喜欢控制别人.mp3

44. 孩子喜欢控制别人.png

45 【亲子游戏】我是电视机.mp3

45 【亲子游戏】我是电视机.png

46. Help child face refusal.mp3

46. Help child face refusal.png

46. 帮助孩子面对拒绝.mp3

46. 帮助孩子面对拒绝.png

47. Must children say sorry.mp3

47. Must children say sorry.png

47. 孩子一定要道歉吗.mp3

47. 孩子一定要道歉吗.png

49. How to avoid bad peer influence.mp3

49. How to avoid bad peer influence.png

49. 怎样避免同伴的“坏”影响.mp3

49. 怎样避免同伴的“坏”影响.png

50. My child refuses to go to kindergarten.mp3

50. My child refuses to go to kindergarten.png

50. 孩子不想上幼儿园.mp3

50. 孩子不想上幼儿园.png

51. 【模块总结】发展社交力.mp3

51. 【模块总结】发展社交力.png

52. Careless with homework.mp3

52. Careless with homework.png

53. Inspire child’s initiative on studying.mp3

53. Inspire child’s initiative on studying.png

53. 让孩子在学习上更自觉.mp3

53. 让孩子在学习上更自觉.png

54. 【亲子游戏】一起找不同.mp3

54. 【亲子游戏】一起找不同.png

55. How to make my child focus.mp3

55. How to make my child focus.png

55. 提高孩子的专注力.mp3

55. 提高孩子的专注力.png

56. How to better communicate with teacher.mp3

56. How to better communicate with teacher.png





58. 挑选课外班.mp3

58. 挑选课外班.png

58. Choose interest courses after class.mp3

58. Choose interest courses after class.png

59. Persist or not.mp3

59. Persist or not.png

59. 三分钟热度.mp3

59. 三分钟热度.png

60. 【模块总结】提升学习力.mp3

60. 【模块总结】提升学习力.png

61. Different parenting ideas between parents.mp3

61. Different parenting ideas between parents.png



62. Parenting conflicts with grandparents.mp3

62. Parenting conflicts with grandparents.png

62. 怎么面对长辈带孩子的冲突 – 副本.mp3

62. 怎么面对长辈带孩子的冲突.png



64. Dad tells me to stand by when siblings fight.mp3

64. Dad tells me to stand by when siblings fight.png



65. Why so hard to be fair.mp3

65. Why so hard to be fair.png

65. 保持公平,为何如此之难.mp3

65. 保持公平,为何如此之难.png



67. Can’t help having a favorite one.mp3

67. Can’t help having a favorite one.png

67. 不由自主地偏心.mp3

67. 不由自主地偏心.png

68. Feel exhausted to raise two children.mp3

68. Feel exhausted to raise two children.png

68. 养两个孩子,好累.mp3

68. 养两个孩子,好累.png



70. How to make father and son more intimate.mp3

70. How to make father and son more intimate.png



71. Reduce the influence of parents fighting on child.mp3

71. Reduce the influence of parents fighting on child.png



72. 【模块总结】如何创造良好的家庭氛围.mp3

72. 【模块总结】如何创造良好的家庭氛围.png

73. Embarrassed when my child crying in public.mp3

73. Embarrassed when my child crying in public.png

73. 当众哭闹,让我很难堪.mp3

73. 当众哭闹,让我很难堪.png

74. Is time out a good alternative for discipline.mp3

74. Is time out a good alternative for discipline.png



75. 【亲子游戏】踩影子.mp3

75. 【亲子游戏】踩影子.pdf

76. Cant help yelling, regretting and then yelling again.mp3

76. Cant help yelling, regretting and then yelling again.pdf

76. 吼完悔,悔完还吼.mp3

76. 吼完悔,悔完还吼.pdf

77. How to accompany child when I am angry or upset.mp3

77. How to accompany child when I am angry or upset.pdf





79. Whining, moaning and groaning.mp3

79. Whining, moaning and groaning.pdf



80. Child hits mother during play.mp3

80. Child hits mother during play.pdf

80. 游戏中孩子弄疼我,要不要继续.mp3

80. 游戏中孩子弄疼我,要不要继续.pdf

81. 【亲子游戏】不说这个字.mp3

81. 【亲子游戏】不说这个字.pdf

82. Simple games for beginners.mp3

82. Simple games for beginners.pdf

82. 简单游戏,轻松上手.mp3

82. 简单游戏,轻松上手.pdf

83. Games are so naïve and I dont want to play them with my child.mp3

83. Games are so naïve and I dont want to play them with my child.pdf

83. 游戏太幼稚,我不想和孩子玩儿.mp3

83. 游戏太幼稚,我不想和孩子玩儿.pdf

84. 【亲子游戏】突破重围.mp3

84. 【亲子游戏】突破重围.pdf

85. 好多经验要告诉儿子,他不听.mp3

85. 好多经验要告诉儿子,他不听.pdf

86. Should I let my child win in games.mp3

86. Should I let my child win in games.pdf

86. 游戏中总是要让孩子赢吗.mp3

86. 游戏中总是要让孩子赢吗.pdf



88. Challenge your assumptions about limits, boundaries, and rules.mp3

88. Challenge your assumptions about limits, boundaries, and rules.pdf



89. Third way—not too permissive, not too strict.mp3

89. Third way—not too permissive, not too strict.pdf

89. 我既不想溺爱,也不想严厉.mp3

90. 【模块总结】 父母的自我蓄杯.mp3

90. 【模块总结】 父母的自我蓄杯.pdf



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  • 最近更新2023年09月26日
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