给宝宝的第一堂启蒙英语课 网盘下载(285.78M)


课程文件目录:喜马拉雅少儿:给宝宝的第一堂启蒙英语课 [285.78M]



001.1.1【我的家庭】I Love You.mp3

002.1.1【歌谣】I Love You.mp3

002.1.1【歌谣】I Love You.pdf

003.1.2【动物认知】Cat and Sheep.mp3

004.1.2【歌谣】Cat and Sheep.mp3

004.1.2【歌谣】Cat and Sheep.pdf




007.1.4【动物认知】Gobble, gobble.mp3

008.1.4【歌谣】Gobble, gobble.mp3

008.1.4【歌谣】Gobble, gobble.pdf

009.1.5【日常行为】Good Night.mp3

010.1.5【歌谣】Good Night.mp3

010.1.5【歌谣】Good Night.pdf

011.1.6【数字认知】I Can Count 1,2,3.mp3

012.1.6【歌谣】I Can Count 1,2,3.mp3

012.1.6【歌谣】I Can Count 1,2,3.pdf

013.1.7【数字认知】I Can Count 1,2,3,4,5.mp3

014.1.7【歌曲】I can Count 1,2,3,4,5 .pdf

014.1.7【歌曲】I can Count 1,2,3,4,5.mp3

015.1.8【数字点数】How Many Dogs and Cows_.mp3

016.1.8【歌谣】How Many Dogs and Cows_.mp3

016.1.8【歌谣】How Many Dogs and Cows_.pdf

017.1.9【大小知觉】Whos little_.mp3

018.1.9【歌谣】 I’m little.mp3

018.1.9【歌谣】 I’m little.pdf

019.1.10【正课】The Big Turnip 拔萝卜.mp3

020.1.10【歌谣】The Big Turnip 拔萝卜.mp3

021.1.10【故事】The Big Turnip 拔萝卜 .mp3

021.1.10【故事】The Big Turnip 拔萝卜.pdf

022.【阶段一家长答疑】孩子说的不准确,我需要当场纠正孩子吗? .pdf


023.2.1【正课】I Like Apple and Banana 我喜欢苹果和香蕉.m4a

024.2.1【歌谣】I Like Apple and Banana 我喜欢苹果和香蕉.mp3

024.2.1【歌谣】I Like Apple and Banana 我喜欢苹果和香蕉.pdf

025.2.2【正课】日常行为:I Want to Pee-Pee.mp3

025.2.2【正课】日常行为:I Want to Pee-Pee.pdf

026.2.3【正课】 I’m Hungry 我饿了.mp3

027.2.3【歌谣】 I’m Hungry 我饿了.mp3

027.2.3【歌谣】 I’m Hungry 我饿了.pdf

028.2.4【正课】 I’m Thirsty 我渴了.mp3

029.2.4【歌谣】 I’m Thirsty 我渴了.mp3

029.2.4【歌谣】 I’m Thirsty 我渴了.pdf

030.2.5【正课】 Peekaboo一起玩躲猫猫.mp3

031.2.5【歌谣】 Peekaboo一起玩躲猫猫.mp3

031.2.5【歌谣】 Peekaboo一起玩躲猫猫.pdf

032.2.6【正课】情绪认知:Happy! 我很开心.mp3

033.2.6【歌谣】情绪认知:Happy! 我很开心.mp3

033.2.6【歌谣】情绪认知:Happy! 我很开心.pdf

034.2.7【正课】 Little Bee 小蜜蜂.mp3

035.2.7【歌谣】 Little Bee 小蜜蜂.mp3

035.2.7【歌谣】 Little Bee 小蜜蜂.pdf

036.2.8【正课】Wow! Little Frog 哇,小青蛙.mp3

037.2.8【歌谣】Wow! Little Frog 哇,小青蛙.mp3

037.2.8【歌谣】Wow! Little Frog 哇,小青蛙.pdf

038.2.9【正课】 Bigger 我会比大小.mp3

039.2.9【歌谣】 Bigger 我会比大小.mp3

039.2.9【歌谣】 Bigger 我会比大小.pdf

040.2.10【正课】The Frog and the Ox 青蛙和牛.mp3

041.2.10【故事】The Frog and the Ox 青蛙和牛.mp3

042.2.10【歌谣】The Frog and the Ox 青蛙和牛.mp3

042.2.10【歌谣】The Frog and the Ox 青蛙和牛.pdf





045.3.1【正课】Hands and Feet 和小手打招呼.mp3

046.3.1【歌谣】Hands and Feet 和小手打招呼.mp3

046.3.1【歌谣】Hands and Feet 和小手打招呼.pdf

047.3.2【正课】Clap your hands 一起拍拍手.mp3

048.3.2【歌谣】Clap your hands 一起拍拍手.mp3

048.3.2【歌谣】Clap your hands 一起拍拍手.pdf

049.3.3【正课】Head and Tummy 小脑袋与小肚子.mp3

050.3.3【歌谣】Head and Tummy 小脑袋与小肚子.mp3

050.3.3【歌谣】Head and Tummy 小脑袋与小肚子.pdf

051.3.4【正课】Arms and Legs 小胳膊与小长腿.mp3

052.3.4【歌谣】Arms and Legs 小胳膊与小长腿.mp3

052.3.4【歌谣】Arms and Legs 小胳膊与小长腿.pdf

053.3.5【正课】The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 披着羊皮的狼.mp3

054.3.5【歌谣】The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 披着羊皮的狼.mp3

054.3.5【歌谣】The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 披着羊皮的狼.pdf

055.3.5【故事】The Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing 披着羊皮的狼.mp3

056.3.6【正课】I Have Two Eyes 我有两只眼睛 .mp3

057.3.6【歌谣】I Have Two Eyes 我有两只眼睛.mp3

057.3.6【歌谣】I Have Two Eyes 我有两只眼睛.pdf

058.3.7【正课】My nose and My Mouth 我的鼻子和嘴巴.mp3

059.3.7【歌谣】My nose and My Mouth 我的鼻子和嘴巴 .pdf

059.3.7【歌谣】My nose and My Mouth 我的鼻子和嘴巴.mp3

060.3.8【正课】What’s Your Name_你叫什么名字.mp3

061.3.8【歌谣一】What’s Your Name?你叫什么名字.pdf

061.3.8【歌谣一】What’s Your Name_你叫什么名字.mp3

062.3.8【歌谣二】What’s Your Name_你叫什么名字.mp3

063.3.9【正课】Green and White 绿色和白色.mp3

064.3.9【歌谣】Green and White 绿色和白色.mp3

064.3.9【歌谣】Green and White 绿色和白色.pdf

065.3.10【正课】The Tadpoles Look for Their Mommy 小蝌蚪找妈妈.mp3

066.3.10【故事】The Tadpoles Look for Their Mommy 小蝌蚪找妈妈.mp3

066.3.10【故事】The Tadpoles Look for Their Mommy 小蝌蚪找妈妈.pdf





069.4.1【正课】Slowly and Quickly 慢与快.mp3

070.4.1【歌谣】Slowly and Quickly 慢与快.mp3

070.4.1【歌谣】Slowly and Quickly 慢与快.pdf

071.4.2【正课】Walking, Walking 和小木偶跳舞吧.mp3

072.4.2【歌谣】Walking, Walking 和小木偶跳舞吧.mp3

072.4.2【歌谣】Walking, Walking 和小木偶跳舞吧.pdf

073.4.3【正课】A Funny Zoo 有趣的动物园.mp3

074.4.3【歌谣】A Funny Zoo 有趣的动物园.mp3

074.4.3【歌谣】A Funny Zoo 有趣的动物园.pdf

075.4.4【正课】Jump, Jump!​ 跳起来吧.mp3

076.4.4【歌谣】Jump, Jump!​ 跳起来吧.mp3

076.4.4【歌谣】Jump, Jump!​ 跳起来吧.pdf

077.4.5【正课】I Win! 速度感知:我赢啦.mp3

078.4.5【歌谣】I Win! 速度感知:我赢啦.mp3

078.4.5【歌谣】I Win! 速度感知:我赢啦.pdf

079.4.6【正课】The Tortoise and The Hare 龟兔赛跑.mp3

080.4.6【故事】The Tortoise and The Hare 龟兔赛跑.mp3

080.4.6【故事】The Tortoise and The Hare 龟兔赛跑.pdf

081.4.7【正课】Yummy 太好吃啦.mp3

082.4.7【歌谣】Yummy 太好吃啦.mp3

082.4.7【歌谣】Yummy 太好吃啦.pdf

083.4.8【正课】Beautiful 你真美呀.mp3

084.4.9【正课】Sing a Song 你唱歌真好听.mp3

085.4.9【歌谣】Sing a Song 你唱歌真好听.mp3

085.4.9【歌谣】Sing a Song 你唱歌真好听.pdf

086.4.10【正课】The Fox and The Crow 狐狸与乌鸦.mp3

087.4.10【歌谣】The Fox and The Crow 狐狸与乌鸦.mp3

088.4.10【故事】The Fox and The Crow 狐狸与乌鸦.mp3

088.4.10【故事】The Fox and The Crow 狐狸与乌鸦.pdf





091.5.1【正课】Original Colors 你认识三原色吗?.mp3

092.5.1【歌谣】Original Colors 你认识三原色吗?.mp3

092.5.1【歌谣】Original Colors 你认识三原色吗?.pdf

093.5.2【正课】Secondary Colors 你知道三间色吗?.mp3

094.5.2【歌谣】Secondary Colors 你知道三间色吗.mp3

094.5.2【歌谣】Secondary Colors 你知道三间色吗.pdf

095.5.3【正课】 Sweet ! 酸酸甜甜的味道.mp3

096.5.3【歌谣】 Sweet ! 酸酸甜甜的味道.mp3

097.5.4【正课】The Fox and The Grapes 狐狸和葡萄.mp3

098.5.4【歌谣】The Fox and The Grapes 狐狸和葡萄.mp3

099.5.4【故事】The Fox and The Grapes 狐狸和葡萄.mp3

099.5.4【故事】The Fox and The Grapes 狐狸和葡萄.pdf

100.5.5【正课】Lets Play 我们一起来玩吧.mp3

101.5.5【歌谣】Lets Play 我们一起来玩吧.mp3

102.5.6【正课】My Favorite Toys 我最喜欢的玩具(上).mp3

103.5.6【歌谣】My Favorite Toys 我最喜欢的玩具(上).mp3

103.5.6【歌谣】My Favorite Toys 我最喜欢的玩具(上).pdf

104.5.7【正课】My Favorite Toys 我最喜欢的玩具(下).mp3

104.5.7【正课】My Favorite Toys 我最喜欢的玩具(下).pdf

105.5.8【正课】Clean Up 我会收拾玩具.mp3

106.5.8【歌谣】Clean Up 我会收拾玩具.mp3

107.5.9【正课】Whose Footprint_ 这是谁的脚印呢.mp3

108.5.10【正课】The Fox and the Sick Lion 狐狸和生病的狮子.mp3

109.5.10【歌谣】The Fox and the Sick Lion 狐狸和生病的狮子.mp3

110.5.10【故事】The Fox and the Sick Lion 狐狸和生病的狮子.mp3





113.6.1【正课】More numbers 你会数1到10吗?.mp3

114.6.1【歌谣】More numbers 你会数1到10吗?.mp3

114.6.1【歌谣】More numbers 你会数1到10吗?.pdf

115.6.2【正课】My Fingers and My Toes 数数我的手指和脚趾.mp3

116.6.2【歌谣】My Fingers and My Toes 数数我的手指和脚趾.mp3

116.6.2【歌谣】My Fingers and My Toes 数数我的手指和脚趾.pdf

117.6.3【正课】Thank You 谢谢你.mp3

118.6.3【歌谣】Thank You 谢谢你.mp3

118.6.3【歌谣】Thank You 谢谢你.pdf

119.6.4【正课】Youre Beautiful, too 小花小草真美呀.mp3

120.6.4【歌谣】Youre Beautiful, too 小花小草真美呀.mp3

120.6.4【歌谣】Youre Beautiful, too 小花小草真美呀.pdf

121.6.5【正课】My Shoes 我的小鞋子.mp3

121.6.5【正课】My Shoes 我的小鞋子.pdf

122.6.6【正课】The Elves and The Shoemaker 精灵与鞋匠.mp3

123.6.6【故事】The Elves and The Shoemaker 精灵与鞋匠.mp3

123.6.6【故事】The Elves and The Shoemaker 精灵与鞋匠.pdf

124.6.7【正课】Hey! Horse 小马你好.mp3

124.6.7【正课】Hey! Horse 小马你好.pdf

125.6.8【正课】Little Bird 小鸟,快过来吧.mp3

126.6.8【歌谣】Little Bird 小鸟,快过来吧.mp3

126.6.8【歌谣】Little Bird 小鸟,快过来吧.pdf

127.6.9【正课】Chicken Little 忧天小鸡.mp3

128.6.9【故事】Chicken Little 忧天小鸡.mp3

128.6.9【故事】Chicken Little 忧天小鸡.pdf

129.6.10【正课】1 Hand,2 Hands 一只小手,两只小手.mp3

130.6.10【歌谣】1 Hand,2 Hands 一只小手,两只小手.mp3

130.6.10【歌谣】1 Hand,2 Hands 一只小手,两只小手.pdf







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  • 最近更新2023年12月24日
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